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[290] | Search for a scalar top quark using the OPAL detector (Akers R., et al.), In Physics Letters B, volume 337, 1994. |
[289] | Measurements of the inclusive branching ratios of τ-leptons to K0S and charged K∗(892) (Akers R., et al.), In Physics Letters B, volume 339, 1994. |
[288] | Search for rare hadronic B decays (Akers R., et al.), In Physics Letters B, volume 337, 1994. |
[287] | Updated measurement of the tau lifetime (Akers R., et al.), In Physics Letters B, volume 338, 1994. |
[286] | Measurement of electromagnetically produced e+e- pairs in distant S-Pt collisions (Bauer R., et al.), In Physics Letters B, volume 332, 1994. |
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[284] | The CERES RICH detector system (Baur R., et al.), In Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, volume 343, 1994. |
[283] | First results of the CERES electron pair spectrometer from p + Be, p + Au and S + Au collisions (Baur R., et al.), In Nuclear Physics A, volume 566, 1994. |
[282] | Search for direct thermal photons in the NA45/CERES experiment (Irmscher D), In Nuclear Physics A, volume 566, 1994. |
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[280] | Development of high resolution silicon strip detectors for experiments at high luminosity at LHC: Status report to the DRDC (Loukas D., et al.), Technical report CERN-DRDC-94-39. DRDC-RD-20, CERN, 1994. |
[279] | Search for neutral Higgs bosons in the minimal supersymmetric extension of the standard model (Akers R., et al.), In Z. Phys. C - Particles and Fields, Springer Science + Business Media, volume 64, 1994. |
[278] | Detector for two-dimensional time-resolved photon counting (Koellner M, et al.), In Biomedical Optoelectronic Devices and Systems II (Croitoru NI., Kroo N, Miyagi M, Pratesi R, Wolfrum JM., eds.), SPIE-Intl Soc Optical Eng, 1994. |
[277] | Enhanced production of low mass electron pairs in 200-GeV/u S-Au collisions at the CERN SPS (Agakichiev G., et al.), In Physical Review Letters, volume 75, 1995. |
[276] | A measurement of charged particle multiplicity in $ Z^0 \rightarrow c \overline {c} $ and $ Z^0 \rightarrow b \overline {b} $ events (Akers R., et al.), In Physics Letters B, volume 352, 1995. |
[275] | The Production of neutral kaons in Z0 decays and their Bose-Einstein correlations (Akers R., et al.), In Z. Phys., volume C67, 1995. |
[274] | Search for heavy charged particles and for particles with anomalous charge in $ e^+ e^- $ collisions at LEP (Akers R., et al.), In Z. Phys., volume C67, 1995. |
[273] | A Study of charm meson production in semileptonic B decays (Akers R., et al.), In Z. Phys., volume C67, 1995. |